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Chapter 581 mysterious reinforcement
Next several days, but is the piece that lets has already worked well to sacrifice preparation term and Lyu Kai Man head fog water.Is original according to this kind of certainly the head continue to descend of words, the most for Zhu Ti Cheng can support two more day, don't know why, the enemy's attack power the head unexpectedly and suddenly weakened and the enemy's method, Zhang Ren before but always have never seen.Several terms all have already got ready to want to start trying very hard to with enemy, but the result is to hear from the city unauthorized biography come of blare a gold voice, those enemies turn an eye to keep on backing, make Zhang Ren full of patriotic fervor all don't know how to vent.
This kind of peculiar phenomenon, let all of a term and Lyu Kai are a Zhang two monks could not touch brains, however turn head a to think, no matter how it is, this always returns as a result is okay, can ast least fight for many time for them
Turning an eye is again to pass by for four days, on the city head, piece the term and Lyu Kai, who take to harm to go to battle, is also the enemy who looking at a city outside, also a burst of jittery in the heart...Although this several natural enemy persons attack seems is showing leniency, these four worlds come and guard the loss of soldier still many, till now, stay on the city head of guard soldier could not leave 500 people, and return a s to all take harm who know today's enemy out of the city will can't suddenly act on the offensive and only depend these more than 500 persons and is not likely to block live an enemy
Thought of here, Zhang Ren not from get the wry smile get up, surprisingly oneself beat so several years of battle and wanted to live down today, but woulded not° until depend showing leniency of enemy also do to get, and this kind of feels to still really suppresses to bend very
"General piece sees" Lyu Kai in the one side suddenly eyes a bright, point at city outside have already lined up embattled enemy's soldier of soldier be shout...After these several days of combat, Lyu Kai wasn't that sort to fight each other battle before completely ignorant, at least general of the eyesight is still certain, he has already seen, the enemy is like a few days ago similar, just sent the troops and horses of one part, toward Zhu Ti Cheng's aggression.Words like this explain that the enemy will not strike against Zhu Ti Cheng with all strength as well today?
Lyu Kai can see out of, Zhang Ren also sees naturally come out, is also some concussions in the heart, however face top is to don't show, turn a head to after death guard soldier officers and men to drink a way:"The brotherses insist clearing for action"
These soldiers who guard soldier officers and men before just some commonnesses although it is said, compare with west Ruis A soldiers within Qin Juns, brave soldier's soldier these crack troopses want to differ a great deal...But now, struggle hard after continuously, these officers and mens already in the bloody battle gradual growth for crack soldier at hear piece the words of the term behind, the officers and mens together the voice drink a , bring up own weapon in succession, though their numbers are few, though all take wound on their body, can in their eyes, is to don't the slightest be afraid, on the contrary and deeply wear an ambiguously of murderous look
Looking at these growths get up of officers and men, current in Zhang Ren Xin a pride, and then have one silk regret.If this battle be over, these officers and mens can also live down of words, must be constitute a to pay strong troops to hear the war of the letter entrance to valley in last time, Gao fluently breaks enemy ranks camp whole army is routed, the lord candor intends to reorganize to break enemy ranks a camp, these officers and mens at the right moment can recommend to Gao fluently just this war, these officers and mens aren't likely to live down to include a term and Lyu Kai
Deeply absorbed tone, piece the term and Lyu Kai Liang people smiled towards seeing one eye, unexpectedly at the same time, Zhang Ren smiled to say to Lyu Kai:"Adult this how many days our under charge also killed a lot, how said to also be regarded as sufficient to cover cost to speak of, adult arrive Zhu Ti so long, haven't I drunk one cup well with adult wait to beat to come over today this battle, if we didn't die, I ask adult to drink well a how?"
Lyu Kai listenned to, also is to roar with laughter and noded to say:"That pours is dare feeling good general piece haven't to know, my eye Chan the this wine of general piece wasn't a day and two days ha ha this wine, even if general piece didn't put forward and arrived an underneath in the days to come today, I also want to seek a general beg for something to want"
2 people are an I am a , but is the slightest didn't is slowly approaching of the enemy put in the eye, however from 2 people's eyes is deeply wear 1 kind to cut off however, obviously 2 people all have already worked well the preparation that sacrifices at any time.....But in this time, suddenly after death rang out a voice from 2 people, but is one well-known scholar soldier the full face stunnedly point at city outside to piece the term and Lyu Kai shout a way:"General piece's adult sees city outside seem to be a bit not in the right"
"E"2 people not from get a surprised, the favour is to become overdo on seeing, but is all stunned speechless.Is original outside the city not distance, enemy's soldier has already lined up a soldier cloth, in front the troops of about 561000 people positive party in government write Zhu Ti Cheng approach.But the rear in enemy's soldier, don't know when, unexpectedly appeared a troops because be apart from a city head the too far cause is here, piece the term and Lyu Kai all sees not pure appearance of this troops and horses, but so far and far has a liking for to go, the other party 56 myriad people have already exceeded enemy's soldier outside the city and see the appearance that they come in blustering and menacing manner at least, it is the troops and horses of enemy's soldier to see this troops' emergence to absolutely be different from, Lyu Kai not from get surprised shout:" Was already the last day that the Lu adult says today, is the reinforcement that the Lu adult sends?"
Zhang Ren is one Leng first, however soon would be to shake head to say:"Not to the circumstance of the benefit state in nowadays I really know most of troops and horseses all to be adjusted into Chang-an, inside Chengdu guard a soldier also however 30,000 or so as for man win of guarded a soldier don't can arrive to so quickly as well so, this troops should be the reinforcement that the Lu adult sends adult no matter how it is say, we are carefully on guard is can again should be an enemy again make ghost have to offend to break Zhu Ti Cheng, they can attain mama at any time of this exactly is what is the row" says till the last, Zhang Ren cannot helps but exploding a thick, just even if is faced to die of approach, Zhang Ren could keep calm as well, while this kind of didn't know the felling of anything now and on the contrary made Zhang Ren some uneasy.....
And at this time, Zhu Bao outside the city and Yong 闿 and settle Gao 3 people, is also equally frightenned one troops and horses that the behind bursts upon of greatly jumping to looking at, praises 3 people, you see me, I see you,cheap dr dre beats, but over know nothing a way is Gao to what is the row certainly twist overdo the 闿 would being to toward Yong drink a way:"Yong 闿 what ghost are you exactly making?"Obviously Gao's settling first reaction is a Yong 闿 to allocate a troops and horses to come over again.
The Yong 闿 was just Leng a short moment, soon is also a full face Nu idea the ground drink a way:"Mama's Gao Ding's planting less this matter Zang, this matter and Lao Tze don't relate to toward Lao Tze's head is my understanding it that you are tall to settle that is it the ghost that you make that right?"
"My Pei" Gao Ding directly be toward Yong 闿 Cui spittle, scold a way:"The complete nonsense Lao Tze's under charge that puts your mama altogether also more than 20,000 persons were whole here to arrive now where seek so many people?"
The Yong 闿 is to follow to scold a way:"You have no,do I have?Lao Tze the leave don't arrive myriad people always Chang other person's horses all here these***the troops aren't Lao Tze of person"
"Like you don't fight" praises one face dark the ground drank a , since not is Gao Ding, is not a Yong 闿 either, and Zhu Bao's oneself's in the mind also clear, this matter and oneself's some relation also have no.....The bad omen of Zhu Bao's in the mind is more and more heavy, empress the spine is also more and more cool, seem put one big regiment ice-cubes is in carrying on the back own empress general.Flash across in Zhu Bao Xin a mind, sink voice to say towards settling Gao and Yong 闿 2 people:"This bothers big I see this troops to be Liu Fan's person's horse to exclusively use to deal with ours"
"What?"Once the words that praises speak and settle Gao and Yong 闿 2 people were immediately all surprised to shout a , the 2 people full face doesn't dare to believe ground to looking at Zhu Bao, the Yong 闿 hurriedly shouts a way:"How may impossible Liu Fan have so many troops and horseses?If he has these troops and horseses, also needless depend us"and flank of Gao Ding although the shape that didn't talk,see him, obviously is also agree the parlance of Yong 闿 ...
The facial expression that praises that is more and more bad, because he has already seen in the tent, Liu Fan takes him those more than 100 persons' close soldier's troopses hurtle out, and is toward this place rush through.See Liu Fan that leisurely and carefree shape, saying this matter and Liu Fan didn't relate to and killed Zhu Bao don't believe as well.And Gao certainly still are querying, can see Liu Fan's shape with them before Yong 闿 also see Liu Fan's action, , is already invisibly gave them the most powerful of answer criticism.The Yong 闿 drops to turn Ma Tou, long-handled sword direction within hand Liu Fan, loudly drink a way:"Liu Fan exactly at make what ghost what background are that troops ?"
Liu Fan and his under charge's troops and horses is being apart from troops' probably 500 distances that praises 3 people to stop down, Liu Fan can have no so silly, still run to Zhu Bao their in front to bit the hook this time.The interrogation that hears Yong 闿 , Fan Man Lian Liu satisfiedly cachinnation get up, praise 3 people to shout a way to:"What ghost am I making?Ha ha why don't you ask yourselves?This how many days, you and then be privately making what ghost?Is true when my eyes are blind not become"
Liu Fan the last almost is roar out, let praise 3 people's facial expression to become is more and more black, but after finishing roaring this, Liu Fan is again to deeply absorb several tones, steady lived emotion, again is say with smile:"You privately make those title, I early see after huming to originally still intend to wait to capture Chengdu in eye, again to you begin now you since hasty seek to die that I also Don't mention itHa ha ha haLet your knowledge experience me real real strenght"
Say, Liu Fan's hands are one Yang, would was to once turn round toward already hurtle to arrive nearby of the mysterious troops open a pair of arms, peep out crary facial expression on the face and loudly drink a way:"This was the my ace in the hole Meng to get to me and kill these people all"
Mysterious troops over there most before, the Meng gets hands to lift a rightness of large copper balls, the Zong horse sprints toward the front, after hearing the voice of shouting of Liu Fan, the Meng gets of double eyes Shan together red long grass, the legs are made an effort a to clip, sped to sprint of speed.The right hand is made an effort a to flick, directly would be to give° Liu Fan's head to knock ground had no the body of skull, just shivered several bottoms, woulded be to feebly keep on falling off.
69 Chinese
[w w w .bxwx b o o k .c o m]

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