
Beats by Dr Dre solo a very big advantage

Using will attain a fearsome number, there are no 451,000,002 silvers, where can set up of rise thus the steel and iron works of the scale?!Perhaps what I say among these five individuals, their total patrimonies can't compare this piece, either many how much, but contract for job steel and iron works in the center again have a lot of risks of political tops, change who again dare to emit risk like this?!"Tan Yan 闿 lightly says.
The Gu Hong Ming contemplates along while after listenning to, the end stands up an arch hand to say:"Set Anne, you are really a Kui is not'youth's governor of province'this name, the inception act friends ever once brought up with me, this Zhe governor of province mansion in Fujian province can the master is your Tan Zu An, I still don't believe, but I believed now!"
Tan Yan 闿 after listenning to the putting of wry smile says:"These hollow reputations don't want let it be, the soup gives birth to an elder brother, currently domestic this environment to your person like this is don't adapt to very much, but you can also stay here for the country effect, this is already said by Confucianism of'righteousness'and'brave', postpone 闿 to in fact really admire very to you!"
"Set Anne Miu is getting greater, I where is what'righteousness'and'brave', however was my father to once say:'Wherever you go don't forget you is a Chinese!'I only respect my father to loose ambition just!"The Gu Hong Ming air is some to gloomily say.
"The soup gives birth to an elder brother, your father is a truely respectable person!"Tan Yan 闿 Su permits to say, though he early knows the record of events of the Ming of Gu Hong, this sentence is what his father says to him when the Gu Hong Ming studies abroad western, probably on the time in future generations don't calculate what, but in this inside country just in the ill-starred ages, that really let the public living admire!
"Manage a problem after all still better solution of, come to see the bad place that can be the door that makes the joss-stick handsome to know to do steel and iron works into Ya currently, however is keep fatty some moths just, the joss-stick after being handsome the understanding by all means will let how they eat into again how vomit!However previously with at under see, the joss-stick is handsome to be doing the time of steel and iron works making a huge mistake is more fatal!"Tan Yan 闿 says.
"After the article that just once saw a set Anne, I also understood to come over, the set Anne thinks that the necessity says of is the coal mine and iron mine that this steel and iron works needs!After I once saw is also think that this is the biggest life door, study abroad the time of western, I see of great powers large steel business enterprise all is follow choose an address to want a place near the coal mine or iron mine, both give attention to both or attend to a head of first, unless that nation oneself have no iron mine or coal mine to also want to choose a place with more convenient transportation.Man sun steel and iron works theory the transportation be regarded as convenience, but this coal mine and iron mine are both sideses to all without resort to, this is really a great problem, joss-stick handsome at the beginning think'big China, what not have', so don't hard treat, I also not is learn this, in the heart although feel a bit not satisfactory, also not say what."Gu Hong the Ming Be some to deep and lowly say.
"The soup gives birth to an elder brother to still know to this at least some, but I am to know not a thing to this!"Tan Yan 闿 says with a smile:"We the my grandfather book is Hunan, my father once said to me, this Hubei two sides coal mine in Hunan and iron mine's keeping quantity wasn't very big, I after visiting the spirit bureau of this steel and iron works is also feel coal mine and iron mine that wide two sides in the lake keep are perhaps very difficult satisfy such a giant production of steel business enterprise.Just a few before the months I once while coming to Hunan Ping country in path Jiangxi of time, heard to have to keep quantity very big coal mine there, then confused wrote the last, doing not know as well the joss-stick was handsome to use need not of up, this however is gave a fragrant handsome reference just!"
"In fact I feel fragrant handsome while establishing industry, the problem in the center appearing still has a lot, this steel and iron works however is just some problems, not is to can not solve, most difficult do of is the handsome total joss-stick layout look like some problems."Tan Yan 闿 says after wanting want.
"Please advise!"Now Gu Hong Ming after this some kind of conversations, is already to admire very much to Tan Yan 闿 , the using of ignoramus in ascended to respect language, however in his heart arrive is feel have no not satisfactory.
"Do not dare to say to advise, after just completely once seeing handsome ocean of joss-stick a duty industry, some questions in heart spoke just also let the soup give birth to elder brother for at under dispel doubt ……take a wide view the fragrant handsome ocean practicality industry, can see metallurgy, mineral industry, soldier work and spin and weave this set of more complete modern big industrial system, this kind of boldness of vision is in China is before have never had!However may because at under the scholar flavor weighed, the Qie thought that this sequence should have to make exchange, should be spin and weave the industry as the first, mineral industry time it, metallurgy again it, finally the whole complete after is a soldier work.After all and like this and in multiple layers fold and add down, spinning and weaving the industry is to take effect quickest, can earning in the in a short time the profits divided from the company of ocean originally was the benefits of our China, after taking this as a funds backlog, developed a mineral industry again, this was also more profitable, finally waited own capital foot again come to do metallurgy ……what fragrant handsome stand spreads is to isn't a lot too big now, by so doing joss-stick handsome will can not imagine the funds pressure wanting and facing!"Tan Yan 闿 asks a way.

The text chapter 29 secret worry
Renew time:2008-8-210:35:09 chapter word numbers:5468

The Gu Hong Ming shakes a bitterness to say with a smile:"Set Anne is really a remarkable talent, but this problem was no one to always once think, however set Anne now put forward come after, careful a deliberate also really such.I am engaged in in the fragrant handsome act for several years, from this steel and iron works plan and prepare after starting building up, joss-stick handsome and we almost want to worry for the sake of this silver white head.At the beginning if with concentrated effort arrange, words develop according to this sequence, really can avoid public finance to some extent hard-pressed."
Tan Yan 闿's consolation says:"The profits produced by steel business enterprise far the non- textile industry can compare, the joss-stick is handsome this steel and iron works is after setting up operate a period of time produce of the profits was then good enough to try to be practical an industry for later ocean to provide follow-up funds, however difficult several years this is affirmative.I come to Hubei this time is also investigate first some kind of, then make consideration, want to start an ocean practicality industry in Hunan or Fukien, Zhejiang after returning to, certainly and fragrant the handsome nature done can not compare and just carry on some try just."
The Gu Hong Ming have much of inquiring about of interest after listenning to:"The set safety hit establishes those on the whole ocean practicality industry?"
"Have not finally made sure, however there are several items canning be a choice.If industry affirmation of establishing the ocean practicality cans not get away from funds, this matter I haven't measured with my father's company, if my father support, that can adopt an officer Du the company does of the method usher in a western equipments to build up reeling silk from cocoon factory, spin cotton factory and make to tingle factory and weaving factory, certainly in consideration of fragrant handsome here have already had the scale not small weaving factory, natural this weaving factory will build up at once river Zhe take, rest three factorieses can set up factory in Hunan;If my father if different idea depend on authorities strength to establish an ocean practicality industry, that I take out money to set up factory a to do it slowly for I,Beats by Dr Dre solo!"Tan Yan 闿 says with a smile.
The Gu Hong Ming says with a smile:"That your father can't definitely support, know your father to you test top expectation in the civil service exam is Gao very!"
"The section tests of matter to me the pressure isn't very big, only study Bai, I ain't afraid of most of would be endorsement, it is a this line to hear soup to give birth to an elder brother superior!"Tan Yan 闿 says with a smile.
"That still I just till the time of western, the language wasn't very, so the method that then used to memorize mechanically a hard back to study a foreign language."
"No matter how it is, reeling silk from cocoon the factory has to want to build up, this has a very big advantage to the nation, know our close neighborses are in this aspect of raw silk export but had a big head, for it change come lack very tightly of funds.This meat says not and up my Tan Yan 闿 also wants to divide a cake of, I don't believe I plus cocoon to also are abounded in by two lakes with the best machine and synthesize down this raw silk cost to settle however have to be lower than them and inhibit they the market in this aspect should have no problem!"Tan Yan 闿 is some to seriously say.
"Our close neighbors?Is set the that day that Anne might it not be points originally?!"The Gu Hong Ming inquires about.
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